воскресенье, 31 января 2016 г.

Finland: the adoption of children from Russia ceased completely

Finland: the adoption of children from Russia ceased completely

10The adoption of children from Russia to Finland at the moment completely stopped, told TASS Advisor to the Finnish Ministry of justice Merja Norros during a visit to the offices of journalists of the Russian Federation.
This happened after the Finnish Parliament approved the civil initiative on same-sex marriages.
“There is a multilateral Hague Convention, which Russia has signed but not ratified. In addition, between our two countries have no bilateral agreement on adoption. And in practice, those institutions which were engaged in the adoption, ended cooperation with Russia”, – said Norris.
According to her, Russia has bilateral treaties on international adoption, with some countries, but Finland at the official level, such a document was not offered. “The foreign Ministry, certainly better informed, but as far as I know, this document was not offered. Also in the agreement, probably, many would have such provisions, which we would have to consider,” says Norris.
On the Russian legislation in the sphere of international adoption
Russian laws prohibit cooperation in the field of adoption with those countries that allow same-sex marriage, with the exception of States with which an agreement on international adoption. Finland this document was not. In addition, last year the Finnish side informed that does not consider this step necessary at this stage.
The number of adopted children in Finland of Russian children has declined over the past decade. If in 2006, the Finns adopted 50 Russian children, last year there were just 10.
12 December 2014, the Finnish Parliament in the second reading approved a citizen’s initiative on equal marriage. Voted 101 Deputy, against – 90. Now the right to enter into a formal marriage will also receive same-sex couples. Experts clarify that the laws in any case can not be changed instantly, and so it may take several more years before same-sex marriage in Finland will indeed become a reality. Now such couples are allowed only to register a civil partnership, and they don’t have the same rights enjoyed by ordinary families discover more news at international adoption agencies forum. In particular, it is about being able to take common surname and adopt children. It is anticipated that changes will take effect in March 2017. The initiative for equal marriage collected nearly 170 thousand signatures, and, according to the new Finnish laws, the Parliament was obliged to consider, regardless of the content.

Tax benefits to foster families in Russia to support adoptions

Tax benefits to foster families in Russia to support adoptions

Under the current law in Russia, persons wishing to adopt child left without parental care, have to take on education with his family the , must undergo mandatory training, very much alike in countries of Europe and North America when adoptive parents wants to take upon international adoption. In the Motor city have already passed over 500 people — both local and from Aktanysh, Menzelinsk, Muslyumovo, Sarmanovo and tukayevsky areas. There is a common place practice of international adoption. Thus, in 2013, went abroad two adopted children, in 2014, in 2015 — four. The issues of international adoption are resolved in the Supreme court RT. “The number of orphans and children left without parental care, unfortunately, in recent years, not decreasing, despite measures taken by the government of the Russian Federation and RT measures aimed at supporting family and motherhood. The sad part is that only 336 children have been orphaned by the death of parents, and 401 — orphans at live parents, that is left without care due to deprivation of parental rights, condemnation, the announcement wanted”, — stated the speaker.
Opportunistic solve budget problems at the expense of the future of the country – “the position of short-sighted, inconsistent with the strategic goals and objectives of Russia”, believes the parliamentarian. “The Federation Council intends to at least maintain the achieved level of budget expenditure on state support to families and children so that the implementation of the approved projects relating to maternal and child health, could be extended in sufficient volume,” said Matvienko, adding that “this is a pledge of dynamic development and political stability of our country”.
The head of the upper house of the Russian Parliament headed by a Coordinating Council under the RF President on implementation of National strategy of actions in interests of children, this subject discussed in forum earlier. Tuesday in the Kremlin under the chairmanship of Valentina Matvienko and head of the Russian presidential administration Sergei Ivanov held a regular meeting of the Council, which will be devoted to the preservation of budget expenditure on state support to families and children, as well as improvement of social infrastructure of childhood. To participate in the event, attended by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Minister of industry and trade of Russian Federation Denis Manturov, Minister of labour and social protection RF Maxim Topilin.
Tax benefits to foster families
Valentina Matvienko considers it appropriate to introduce a reduced rate of tax on income in respect of paid in the regions of benefits for families with foster children.
The Senator noted that foster families in Russia is becoming more “just this year, the family took care of more than 50 thousand children-orphans”. “Frankly, we did not expect that the adoption and guardianship will accept such scale”, – said the head of the Federation Council. One of the forms of state care to foster homes, she believes, can become preferential taxation of benefits paid to them.
“In many regions there are additional measures of social support to families in the form of cash payments for care of the adopted child”, – reminded the speaker. “Their volume is small, but they are subject to income tax at the rate of 13 percent. Nonsense! I think we should support the initiative made by the deputies of the Kursk regional Duma on the introduction of appropriate tax incentives,” said the Senator.
The head of the Federation Council noted that over the past two years the number of orphans in Russia decreased almost twice – from 119 to 73.5 thousand. “The fact that orphans in shelters, was much less is the merit of our fellow citizens who have formed adoptive family,” she said. According to Matvienko, “the majority of foster families do this step on souls and hearts”, however, “these people have to constantly feel supported by the state”.
The head of the upper house of the Russian Parliament headed by a Coordinating Council under the RF President on implementation of National strategy of actions in interests of children. Tuesday in the Kremlin under the chairmanship of Valentina Matvienko and head of the Russian presidential administration Sergei Ivanov held a regular meeting of the Council, which will be devoted to the preservation of budget expenditure on state support to families and children, as well as improvement of social infrastructure of childhood. To participate in the event, attended by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Minister of industry and trade of Russian Federation Denis Manturov, Minister of labour and social protection RF Maxim Topilin.

Every child has the right to have mom and dad, and not only on the teacher-Russia orphans

Every child has the right to have mom and dad, and not only on the teacher-Russia orphans.

Some parents naively believe that giving the baby to the orphanage to help him, but this is not so (VIDEO)
Vladivostok, November 6, PrimaMedia. That every child is a conscientious objector suffers, at least, psycho-emotional developmental delay, parents who leave their children in orphanages, little thinking. On the contrary, some citizens believe that thus only help the child, because he will be dressed and fed at state expense. Meanwhile, the Russian legislation provided for the fundamental right of the child to live and grow up in a family. It means to have a mom and dad and not the teacher. Experts claim that the citizens who lost children in the care of the state, always can get them back, reports Corr. RIA PrimaMedia.
The Ussuriysk orphanage every morning starts talking 80 voices — so many kids have found shelter here. The number is almost never changed — neither the crisis nor the relatively calm period in the life of the country did not affect the decision of a certain category of our citizens to refuse your own child. Most of the parents of these children is also alive and quite healthy. Version new time — more and more parents leaving their child in the orphanage, believe that almost make a baby gift — the baby will be fed, shod and dressed government. About psycho-emotional state kids do not think.
– I would like to convey to all parents whose children are in orphanages, they have the opportunity to return their children back to himself. Russian law provided for the fundamental right of the child to live and grow up in a family. It means having mom and dad and not the teacher, not the Director of the orphanage. Therefore, parents can apply to the court for restoration of parental rights, carry on discussion in forum and blog. To do this, of course, you have to put some effort, – said Elena Basova, head of the territorial Department of guardianship and guardianship of the Ussuri urban district.
Remember, the Internet version of the project “the Road home” tells the story of children caught in difficult life situations, primarily, about the orphanages and social institutions. The project aims to help every child find a family. According to the authors, the project will allow to form a database of orphanages, will unite on the virtual site foster families of Primorsky Krai, experts in the field of family placement.
One of the main headings of the project – “I Want a family” – a kind of “video-the passport” orphans, which allows potential adoptive parents and guardians to get acquainted with a foster child.
We will note, today when the international adoption programs are closed for most foreign countries and domestic adoption programs are still in development there are in state tutorship and guardianship authorities of Primorye is registered 11 933 orphans. Of them are brought up in families of 8 children 555. This year on family forms have already been transferred to 902 of the child, of whom 599 persons are arranged under guardianship, 133 – in foster care, 105 – adopted and blood family returned 65 children. The regional basis for adoption are waiting for their future parents even more than 3 thousand children of Primorsko.

Adoption organizations began the campaign for the world day of orphans

Adoption organizations began the campaign for the world day of orphans

Charitable Foundation “good Arithmetic” announced about the launch of social media campaign “but it doesn’t have to be lost children in the world “. It is dedicated to the world day of orphans, which in 2015 will be celebrated on 9 November.
Participants are encouraged to post on social networks a picturepublished on the Foundation’s website, with the hashtags #technicaldebt #semimythical #noyabrya #arithmetically. Also they have the ability to replace the photo on the avatars to a picture of a stock symbol – mammoth known from the cartoon, or to place the campaign banner on personal or corporate website. The Foundation is asking people to spread awareness about the problem and potential solutions.
“Unfortunately, today millions of children worldwide are orphans. To make sure that they are not forgotten, once a year there is a special day dedicated just to them: world orphans day”, said employees of the charity. They recalled that, according to statistics, at the beginning of 2014 the number of children who are registered in the state databank about children without parental support amounted to 106,6 thousand. In addition, in 2014, it was revealed 61,6 thousand children left without parental care (176 children). In this case 2/3 of the orphans in Russia – social orphans with living parents. The Fund also pointed to the low percentage of socially reinforced of graduates of orphanages.
“The charitable Foundation “good Arithmetic” I am confident that child can be happy only in the family both national and international with the help of international adoption agencies and the priority chosen support of adoption and family placement of inmates of children’s homes, as well as their socialization and adaptation. In addition to adoption forum, everyone can help the orphans with your own donation or feasible participation in them, as well as support the campaign on social networks and attract the attention of many people to the problem and its possible solutions”, — stated in the message Fund.

Russia project “the Road home”aims to help every child find a family.

Russia project “the Road home”aims to help every child find a family.

Decided to help the most wretched, and brought from the orphanage three – family Newroc
Today in this seaside family raised 10 foster children, each of the diagnoses would be enough for a medical Talmud (VIDEO)
Vladivostok, November 6, PrimaMedia. The saying that God loves a Trinity, in the family Nuruk made sense. Before meeting with a foster child, Light and Michael decided that they should help the most wretched. And so it happened that the first from the orphanage came just three Pasha, Igor and the Torah. Diagnoses each would be enough for some medical stuff. Favorable predictions of the doctor did not give anyone, reports Corr. RIA PrimaMedia.
To find this house on the street of Amber, you just have to find the fences covered with high multi-style cottages in a modest courtyard in which the gate is always wide open. The main local landmark is running towards you from all sides this morning, in the evening, Alex, the Torah. Under one roof in the family Newroc live ten foster children. And each story is a story about the serious illness and spiritual struggles. Because all, without exception, the mother of Light and father Misha put his feet in the literal sense of the word.
Parents are constantly bringing in sick kids to doctors, always think about what pills and what time of the day on each child, as well as from month to month grind hard bound ailment legs and arms.
Today in the house Newroc full of animals — cats, dogs, a parrot and even a newt. Thoroughbred Lina cured of cancer, four-legged favorite nick once ran right under the wheels of their cars, apparently feeling that these people will not betray. What do they say at the gate? Different ways. Someone admires, someone thinks that there is in this material gain. Just today Svetlana and Mikhail began to adopt foster children, consciously refusing the meager amount they are put from the state. And still keep the door open,and suddenly someone’s gonna need help.
Remember, the Internet version of the project “the Road home” tells the story of children caught in difficult life situations, primarily, about the orphanages and social institutions. The project aims to help every child find a family.
According to the authors, see more coverage in discussion forum the project will allow to form a database of orphanages, will unite on the virtual site foster families of Primorsky Krai, experts in the field of family placement.
One of the main headings of the project – “I Want a family” – a kind of “video-the passport” orphans, which allows potential adoptive parents and guardians to get acquainted with a foster child.
We will note, today in the international adoption and domestic agencies of tutorship and guardianship authorities of Primorye is registered 11 933 orphans. Of them are brought up in families of 8 children 555. This year on family forms have already been transferred to 902 of the child, of whom 599 persons are arranged under guardianship, 133 – in foster care, 105 – adopted and blood family returned 65 children. The regional basis for adoption are waiting for their future parents even more than 3 thousand children of Primorsko.

How did the law of Dima Yakovlev changed adoption in Russia? Kirov city

How did the law of Dima Yakovlev changed adoption in Russia? Kirov city

The emergence of this law was caused by the tragic cases (including the death of Dima) that happened with adopted Russian children in the United States. The attitude towards them was, to put it mildly, inhumane, but the American justice system to criminals (in other words they will not name) showed inexplicable leniency. This was the last straw of our legislators.
But do not think that foreign adoptions in Russia has set up a cross – it’s not. Right to take in families of children from our country lost United States of America and those States that officially allowed same-sex marriages. However, pupils Vyatka orphanages and did not almost got to the ocean.
Where will you be going?
The opponents of the Dima Yakovlev law was, as it seemed to them, the iron argument: foreign adoptive parents are not afraid to take people with disabilities and children suffering from serious chronic ailments through international adoption program. In addition, they don’t mind large families, and the Russians decide the maximum on the adoption of one child. Now, however, I assure in the Ministry of education, the situation has changed, and all of the above applies to Vyatka families. Therefore, the number of children adopted by foreigners from our region in recent years has decreased dramatically. And the ban is not to blame.
With 6 months to one year increased the period during which the orphanage needs to find new parents on the territory of the Russian Federation. That is, by law, the advantage is still given still our citizens.
“In 2015, foreigners adopted 16 children from different districts of the region, – said Tatiana Vidyakin, consultant of Department of protection of children’s rights of the Ministry of education, in 2014 48. Most of the guys go to live in Italy and Germany, a few in Spain. Parents of adopted children up to the age of majority in their mandatory report to social services and state authorities in their countries, and they, in turn, transmit reports about the living conditions and upbringing of adopted children in our guardianship and guardianship”.
Do not think that Europeans the whole process is easier than the other: sometimes they spend more than one year to collect all the necessary documents and obtain permission. In Italy, for example, it gives the court, so that all very seriously. Directly with foreigners our institutions do not work only with accredited by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, agencies of international adoption of children. Europeans, one might say, passed through a fine sieve to ensure the reliability and purity of their intentions. This approach is quite justified: the guys who have moved from the Vyatka abroad no unpleasant incidents were not.
“The fact that foreigners adopt less Vyatka children, I see rather a plus than a minus – sure Hope Pertseva, Director of Urzhum orphanage. – Russian families easier to control, easier for them to assist in solving any problems if the need arises”.
Two boys brought up here, now live in Italy and Romania. They’ve got a wonderful family who are really willing to do everything possible for the development of children. The children adapted well, attend school, have the opportunity to study several languages. Nadezhda Ivanovna always studies the reports sent to parents, who thank her for the upbringing of the boys, the boys write her letters, send pictures, and everything seems to be fine.
“But there is no absolute probability that all of them are going to such good and kind people, our children are very lucky,” she says.
Pertseva does not believe that kirovchane are not willing to adopt orphans and prefer solely the creation of foster families. It depends on the person, from a particular situation. Sometimes, experiencing acute loss of their child, people about anything else and I don’t think, except about the adoption of another baby. And sometimes, foster parents, unable to cope with the child, bring him back.
In General, no matter what language they speak and what nationality are mom and dad just loved the little man, cared for, not humiliated, not turned into a toy for their fun. Every child has a right to happiness, in which country he would not have found. He can always return to their historical homeland if they wish, as a citizen of not only the country where his family lives, but also in Russia.

How to prepare for the adoption in Russia?

How to prepare for the adoption in Russia?

These are the basic requirement of the law for domestic adoption that equally apply for international adoption programs with a specific compliance set forth for international adoptive parents. It is interesting to know to understand but without professional legal assistance do not venture out on your own. Same rules shall apply to all adoptive parents when they look at another former Soviet republic of Ukraine, see in details for Ukraine Adoption information, links and resources with professional adoption agencies with reputable names.
Adoption of a child is possible only in a judicial proceeding under articles 125-139 Family code of the Russian Federation according to the rules of Chapter 29 of the civil procedural code. The adoption process , we suggest always to consult professional adoption agencies to recieve the guidance and advice, but generally includes the following steps:
statement on the account in guardianship as candidates for adoptive parents to obtain a conclusion about possibility to be adoptive parents that includes a survey of living conditions of adoptive parents;
contact with the child, deciding who you want to adopt;
the collection of the necessary documents to appeal to the court with the application for adoption;
an appeal to the court, the proceedings in court, which ends with a decision;
registration of adoption in registry offices, obtaining certificate of adoption.
The procedure for applying to the guardianship and the list of required documents is described in detail in the Rules of transfer of children on adoption (appr. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from March, 29th, 2000 N 275). In the survey of living conditions of prospective adoptive parents, the guardianship authority evaluates living conditions, personal qualities and motives of the applicant, the ability of his educating the child, relations among family members of the applicant.
What are the requirements for adoptive parents?
The law does not define the list of persons having the right to adoption, however, the meaning of the rules establishing the order of adoption, adoptive parents may be persons with the qualities needed for the implementation of the education and comprehensive development of the child’s personality, preparing him for an independent life in the future. According to article 127 of the family code, adoptive parents can be adult persons of either sex, except:
the persons recognized by court incapable or partially capable;
spouses, one of whom is recognized by court as incapable or partially capable;
persons deprived by court of parental rights or limited by court in the parent rights;
persons, removed from duties of care (Trustee) for inadequate performance of duties;
former adoptive parents if adoption is cancelled by court on their fault;
persons who for health reasons can’t adopt a child (see Government Decree of the Russian Federation of 14.02.2013 N 117 “About approval of the list of diseases at which presence the person can not adopt (adopt) a child”, the order of the MoH of Russia from 18.06.2014 n N “On approval of the Procedure of medical examination of citizens, intending to adopt to (adopt) a child”);
persons who at the time of establishment of adoption have no income providing for the adopted child subsistence minimum, established in the subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of which such persons reside;
persons not having permanent place of residence;
persons having or having a criminal record, exposed or subjected to criminal prosecution on a number of articles of the criminal code;
failed psycho-pedagogical and legal training of persons wishing to adopt a child (see Rules of selection, accounting and the preparation of citizens, approved. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18 may 2009 g. N 423);
persons in Union concluded between persons of the same sex, recognized as marriage and registered in accordance with the laws of the state in which such marriage is allowed, and persons who are citizens of specified States and unmarried.
As adoption procedures are dealt with in court?
Cases on adoption of the child by citizens of the Russian Federation under the jurisdiction of the district courts at the place of residence or location of the child (paragraph 1 of article 269 of the civil procedural code). The form and content of the application for adoption must meet the requirements of articles 131, 270 of civil procedure code. The statement includes information about the adoptive parents, adoptive children about their brothers and sisters, about their parents, asking about possible changes in Assembly record about the birth of the adopted children, as well as the circumstances proving the request of adoptive parents and supporting evidence. Along with the application, the other documents, the list of which is given in article 271 of the civil procedural code. The application for adoption is not paid the stamp duty (PP. 14 section 1 of article 333.36 of the tax code).
The application for adoption is considered in special proceedings in the closed judicial session with obligatory participation of adoptive fathers (adoptive father), representatives of the guardianship, the Prosecutor, the child, under the age of 14 years, and in necessary cases, parents, other stakeholders and the child aged 10 to 14 years (article 273 of the civil procedure code, see also clauses 3 and 4 of the Resolution of Plenum of VS Russian Federation from April, 20th, 2006 N 8). In preparation for trial, the judge should request from the guardianship authority at the place of residence (spent) baby conclusion about the validity of the adoption and its correspondence to the interests of the adopted child with information about the fact of personal communication of the adoptive parents (adopter) with the adopted child (part 1 of article 272 of the civil procedural code, section 2 of article 125 of the RF IC).

To Be in Harmony with Yourself

To Be in Harmony with Yourself

Such camouflage tactics usually saps the strength, and not only those who resort to it, but others as well. Confident people are those who do form and confident substance all around themselves and attract other people mostly of the same nature.
Confident people have a wonderful rhythm in their speach and excellent form of dialog abilities see international adoption agencies ; their tone of voice is firm, and yet melodic. Their statements are directly from their hearts and always find direct way to the hearts of other people. They express themselves using a small number words and they are very informative, people always like to hear them and accept their meaasges gladly. 1
However in life we meet people where often happens on the contrary.
TODAY with particular urgency the question of needs of people is in normal, i.e. not harmful to, living conditions. These include not only the need for normal food, water, air, shelter, etc., but also the need for normal psycological and spiritual climate surrounding the person.
Disregarding the ecology of ‘real’ leads to deterioration of physical health. Ignoring the laws and environmental requirements of “psychic” – to moral, cultural, intellectual and then degradation.
Today already from the time of conception the fetus is affected by the environment. And it’s not only physical and chemical influence (with that in mind, the woman before conception should not drink alcohol, nicotine, etc.), but a psychological as well. Bringing new generation into the world we aften forget that “Symphony Of Beethoven heard in the womb, how for thin wall panel home”- what we do today in our lives is dorectly affects the child who is not even born no yet come to this world , we set the psychological environment for his future character and his future life, read more good stories on forum on international adoption. This fact is still not taken into account in everyday life.