Every child has the right to have mom and dad, and not only on the teacher-Russia orphans.
Vladivostok, November 6, PrimaMedia. That every child is a conscientious objector suffers, at least, psycho-emotional developmental delay, parents who leave their children in orphanages, little thinking. On the contrary, some citizens believe that thus only help the child, because he will be dressed and fed at state expense. Meanwhile, the Russian legislation provided for the fundamental right of the child to live and grow up in a family. It means to have a mom and dad and not the teacher. Experts claim that the citizens who lost children in the care of the state, always can get them back, reports Corr. RIA PrimaMedia.

The Ussuriysk orphanage every morning starts talking 80 voices — so many kids have found shelter here. The number is almost never changed — neither the crisis nor the relatively calm period in the life of the country did not affect the decision of a certain category of our citizens to refuse your own child. Most of the parents of these children is also alive and quite healthy. Version new time — more and more parents leaving their child in the orphanage, believe that almost make a baby gift — the baby will be fed, shod and dressed government. About psycho-emotional state kids do not think.
– I would like to convey to all parents whose children are in orphanages, they have the opportunity to return their children back to himself. Russian law provided for the fundamental right of the child to live and grow up in a family. It means having mom and dad and not the teacher, not the Director of the orphanage. Therefore, parents can apply to the court for restoration of parental rights, carry on discussion in forum and blog. To do this, of course, you have to put some effort, – said Elena Basova, head of the territorial Department of guardianship and guardianship of the Ussuri urban district.
Remember, the Internet version of the project “the Road home” tells the story of children caught in difficult life situations, primarily, about the orphanages and social institutions. The project aims to help every child find a family. According to the authors, the project will allow to form a database of orphanages, will unite on the virtual site foster families of Primorsky Krai, experts in the field of family placement.
One of the main headings of the project – “I Want a family” – a kind of “video-the passport” orphans, which allows potential adoptive parents and guardians to get acquainted with a foster child.
We will note, today when the international adoption programs are closed for most foreign countries and domestic adoption programs are still in development there are in state tutorship and guardianship authorities of Primorye is registered 11 933 orphans. Of them are brought up in families of 8 children 555. This year on family forms have already been transferred to 902 of the child, of whom 599 persons are arranged under guardianship, 133 – in foster care, 105 – adopted and blood family returned 65 children. The regional basis for adoption are waiting for their future parents even more than 3 thousand children of Primorsko.
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