How did the law of Dima Yakovlev changed adoption in Russia? Kirov city
But do not think that foreign adoptions in Russia has set up a cross – it’s not. Right to take in families of children from our country lost United States of America and those States that officially allowed same-sex marriages. However, pupils Vyatka orphanages and did not almost got to the ocean.

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The opponents of the Dima Yakovlev law was, as it seemed to them, the iron argument: foreign adoptive parents are not afraid to take people with disabilities and children suffering from serious chronic ailments through international adoption program. In addition, they don’t mind large families, and the Russians decide the maximum on the adoption of one child. Now, however, I assure in the Ministry of education, the situation has changed, and all of the above applies to Vyatka families. Therefore, the number of children adopted by foreigners from our region in recent years has decreased dramatically. And the ban is not to blame.
With 6 months to one year increased the period during which the orphanage needs to find new parents on the territory of the Russian Federation. That is, by law, the advantage is still given still our citizens.
“In 2015, foreigners adopted 16 children from different districts of the region, – said Tatiana Vidyakin, consultant of Department of protection of children’s rights of the Ministry of education, in 2014 48. Most of the guys go to live in Italy and Germany, a few in Spain. Parents of adopted children up to the age of majority in their mandatory report to social services and state authorities in their countries, and they, in turn, transmit reports about the living conditions and upbringing of adopted children in our guardianship and guardianship”.
Do not think that Europeans the whole process is easier than the other: sometimes they spend more than one year to collect all the necessary documents and obtain permission. In Italy, for example, it gives the court, so that all very seriously. Directly with foreigners our institutions do not work only with accredited by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, agencies of international adoption of children. Europeans, one might say, passed through a fine sieve to ensure the reliability and purity of their intentions. This approach is quite justified: the guys who have moved from the Vyatka abroad no unpleasant incidents were not.
“The fact that foreigners adopt less Vyatka children, I see rather a plus than a minus – sure Hope Pertseva, Director of Urzhum orphanage. – Russian families easier to control, easier for them to assist in solving any problems if the need arises”.
Two boys brought up here, now live in Italy and Romania. They’ve got a wonderful family who are really willing to do everything possible for the development of children. The children adapted well, attend school, have the opportunity to study several languages. Nadezhda Ivanovna always studies the reports sent to parents, who thank her for the upbringing of the boys, the boys write her letters, send pictures, and everything seems to be fine.
“But there is no absolute probability that all of them are going to such good and kind people, our children are very lucky,” she says.
Pertseva does not believe that kirovchane are not willing to adopt orphans and prefer solely the creation of foster families. It depends on the person, from a particular situation. Sometimes, experiencing acute loss of their child, people about anything else and I don’t think, except about the adoption of another baby. And sometimes, foster parents, unable to cope with the child, bring him back.
In General, no matter what language they speak and what nationality are mom and dad just loved the little man, cared for, not humiliated, not turned into a toy for their fun. Every child has a right to happiness, in which country he would not have found. He can always return to their historical homeland if they wish, as a citizen of not only the country where his family lives, but also in Russia.
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