Russia project “the Road home”aims to help every child find a family.
Today in this seaside family raised 10 foster children, each of the diagnoses would be enough for a medical Talmud (VIDEO)
Vladivostok, November 6, PrimaMedia. The saying that God loves a Trinity, in the family Nuruk made sense. Before meeting with a foster child, Light and Michael decided that they should help the most wretched. And so it happened that the first from the orphanage came just three Pasha, Igor and the Torah. Diagnoses each would be enough for some medical stuff. Favorable predictions of the doctor did not give anyone, reports Corr. RIA PrimaMedia.

To find this house on the street of Amber, you just have to find the fences covered with high multi-style cottages in a modest courtyard in which the gate is always wide open. The main local landmark is running towards you from all sides this morning, in the evening, Alex, the Torah. Under one roof in the family Newroc live ten foster children. And each story is a story about the serious illness and spiritual struggles. Because all, without exception, the mother of Light and father Misha put his feet in the literal sense of the word.
Parents are constantly bringing in sick kids to doctors, always think about what pills and what time of the day on each child, as well as from month to month grind hard bound ailment legs and arms.
Today in the house Newroc full of animals — cats, dogs, a parrot and even a newt. Thoroughbred Lina cured of cancer, four-legged favorite nick once ran right under the wheels of their cars, apparently feeling that these people will not betray. What do they say at the gate? Different ways. Someone admires, someone thinks that there is in this material gain. Just today Svetlana and Mikhail began to adopt foster children, consciously refusing the meager amount they are put from the state. And still keep the door open,and suddenly someone’s gonna need help.
Remember, the Internet version of the project “the Road home” tells the story of children caught in difficult life situations, primarily, about the orphanages and social institutions. The project aims to help every child find a family.
According to the authors, see more coverage in discussion forum the project will allow to form a database of orphanages, will unite on the virtual site foster families of Primorsky Krai, experts in the field of family placement.
One of the main headings of the project – “I Want a family” – a kind of “video-the passport” orphans, which allows potential adoptive parents and guardians to get acquainted with a foster child.
We will note, today in the international adoption and domestic agencies of tutorship and guardianship authorities of Primorye is registered 11 933 orphans. Of them are brought up in families of 8 children 555. This year on family forms have already been transferred to 902 of the child, of whom 599 persons are arranged under guardianship, 133 – in foster care, 105 – adopted and blood family returned 65 children. The regional basis for adoption are waiting for their future parents even more than 3 thousand children of Primorsko.
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