пятница, 5 февраля 2016 г.

Conflict and reconciliation in communicating with parents

Conflict and reconciliation in communicating with parents

For situations of conflict and reconciliation in communicating with parents significant differences in the content of schemes of causality observed between boys and girls. So in a situation of conflict with parents  such personal characteristics as sociable, funny, beautiful, opinionated act as associated with the internal localization of the causes of the conflict. Feature responsible is related to the external localization of the causes of the conflict. In other words, beautiful, cheerful, sociable and self-confident the girl already by itself acts as a potential source of conflict with parents, while responsible girl and if conflicts with parents, for reasons beyond her control. Boys only characteristics of opinionated refers to the internal localization of the causes of the conflict. And characteristics responsible, smart, and beautiful as are associated with external localization of the causes of the conflict. In the situation of reconciliation after conflict with parents in girls responsiveness is related to the internal localization of the causes, and the friendliness with stability attributed to reasons of reconciliation. With the variability attributed to reasons connected with the characteristic self-confident. Young men, in situations where reconciliation with parents, the personal characteristics communicative, responsible and intelligent act as related to external causes attributed to localization, and feature beautiful associated with both external and changeable localization of the causes of reconciliation. That is, for boys, in the circuits of causality are mainly personal characteristics, like conflict with parents, and reconciliation, initiated more than a teenager, and external, casual circumstances. It should be noted that the analysis of the qualitative data revealed significant differences in the nature of the causes which, in the opinion of boys, or girls as the most likely cause of conflict with parents. So, in most cases, the cause of conflict is the independent behavior of late returns home, and other activities associated with separation from family and the possibility of entering into an intimate relationship. In boys, the cause of conflict with parents is almost always associated with lower school performance, and other factors that may affect social career. On the other hand, no significant differences in the content of schemes of causality between groups of subjects from different educational institutions have been identified.
In situations of success and failure in intimate and personal communication significant differences were observed neither between different schools or between boys and girls. We can assume that in this case we are dealing with individually different patterns of causality, although it is not excluded that the social categories, by reference to its norms and values, the schema of causality for high school students this type of situations in the study were not identified. However, at the level of qualitative descriptions were identified significant differences between boys and girls, expansion and elaboration of descriptions of the situation of Dating and especially the breakdown of relationships, which young men is very little developed. But these differences are rather assessed as less developed schemas of causality, rather associated with differences in psychological age and degree of development of this area of social relations.

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