пятница, 5 февраля 2016 г.

The meaning of consciousness

The meaning of consciousness

The event as a fact of life and a fact of consciousness
In an informal way event within the framework of being identified by the indication of the crossing of a border, a violation of some established patterns. That is not all of what happened-happened, but only what goes beyond the established “order of things” receives the event status.
You could try to give a formal definition of events, with Georg Henrik von Brighton concept of the situation and call the event a significant change in the situation (Wright, 1986). Immediately, however, the question arises, what should be the extent of changes to be considered “significant”. In addition, it is intuitively clear that the same incident may be an event in one respect and not in another event, there is a significant “point and direction reference”, not only the deviation (the event is rather a vector, not a scalar). It seems that there is no event at all, and there is an event for something or someone. Geological disasters (phenomena of inorganic nature) are important events for the life on the Earth (phenomena of organic matter), for it contributed to the emergence and development, as well as to communities, as were the aftershocks of bloom and death of civilizations.
Things happen in Genesis and same for Genesis. However, although events can occur (and often occur) independently of the mind, identification of an event as event and its interpretation (by introducing the corresponding context) is the prerogative of consciousness.
Routine of life is consciousness. Only changing the world becomes a fact of consciousness. The tendency to “make the equation” constants and retention of variables is, apparently, a fundamental property of a living consciousness. We tend “not to see” the faces of familiar people but only to notice and distinguish the expressions of these persons. Attach on in the institutions entrance signs asking them not to slam doors gives only temporary effect and then becomes something of a litmus test to distinguish permanent staff from the visitors (the first clap, the second not).
Practical reason do not tend to operate with constants. If the result of a fire at a gas station ended with the conclusion that the cause of fire were: the presence of a gas station, flammable substances and free access of oxygen, there would be doubts about the competence of the investigative bodies, though their conclusion would be theoretically perfect. Constants can be entered only in the mind specially. Takes a lot of effort of a psychoanalyst in order to raise awareness for the patient as the amount of stable and permanent of his inclinations. And this bring not only itself becomes event and through the event.
The range of existence and range of consciousness can each go their course, be kept separate and not korrespondiruet with each other. A passerby walks down the street, lost in her thoughts, without being distracted by what is happening around. You want something extraordinary, what would he pay himself for his thoughts. Genesis breaks into the consciousness of the event. The event is what attracted the attention, impressed, excited and even shocked. The event raise questions and focuses on his work of consciousness up until after conceptualization-description shall not receive the interpretation-evaluation.
The interpreted event is not retained in consciousness, slipping away from him, leaving behind memories. ( does this Mean that to capture the event and after the interpretation of the events of consciousness is besometimes? Apparently, it is not. Consciousness is not occupied by the actual event, going through (chews?) the events of the past or anticipating future events. That’s why consciousness is always excited (or concerned).

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